Written March 2025

The thing that never happens has happened again. This week, Stephen Ireland, co-founder of Pride in Surrey, was convicted of several sexual offences against children, including the rape of a 12-year-old boy. Disturbingly, Ireland was also a patron of Educate and Celebrate, an LGBT+ charity whose premise should have been a red flag from the get-go. “Educate and Celebrate are experts in transforming schools and organisations into LGBT+ Friendly places, creating a safe environment for staff, students, governors and parents to thrive and achieve, enabling everyone to be themselves without fear of discrimination”, apparently. Sounds an awful lot like re-education, North Korea style, to me.
Ireland is one of a plethora of ‘activists’ in the so-called LGBT+ community, who, due to a spectacular lack of safeguarding, have been allowed in recent years to run rampant with their perverted propaganda and indoctrination of children. To those of us who have been trying to raise the alarm for some time, it has been like watching a car crash in slow motion, on repeat, day after day, as corporations and institutions have bent over backwards to exhibit their LGBT+-friendly credentials, at the expense of the safety of children. And, like proverbial trojan horses, grifters like Ireland have been given wholesale access to kids, with zero checks. They have been welcomed into schools and libraries, cloaked in their garish rainbow colours, and promoted perverted ideas about wrong bodies, the fluidity of gender, penis tucking and breast binding, and they have called it ‘progress’, ‘kindness’, and ‘inclusion’. They have built platforms, on-and-offline, from which they have openly lured children to conduct conversations about sex, and they have called these ‘safe spaces’. And drag queens have twerked in the faces of confused toddlers and kids, while their parents clap along, and they have called it ‘pride’, ‘stunning’, and ‘brave’. But all the glitter and the sparkles have hidden the dark and sinister truth that LGBTQ+ has been used as a disguise for perverted men like Ireland to carry out their horrendous abuse.
The full extent of Ireland’s diabolical crimes is difficult to hear. His equally disgusting partner, David Sutton, was also convicted on multiple counts, and together they shared sick fantasies via WhatsApp, including their ‘pedo’ (their own word) desires to kidnap schoolchildren, to ‘perv’ (again, their own word) over children at swimming pools, and to sexually abuse children, including a girl aged six. Further, Ireland, who is HIV positive, shared a hideous fantasy with Sutton of infecting a young child with the virus.
Educate and Celebrate have taken their website down, unsurprisingly. And one can only imagine the frantic activity in the Pride in Surrey offices, as they are surely busy trying to delete any trace of Ireland from their substantial online presence - quite how they feel emboldened to continue as an organisation is beyond me. But thankfully, the brilliant @jonnywsbell on X has kept many, many receipts. Such as the horribly disturbing clip of Ireland, acting in an official capacity for Pride in Surrey whose logo is emblazoned on the screen, talking to a young boy, openly discussing sex, and ‘educating’ the boy on ‘Prep’, a drug that can be taken by those engaging in sex that can prevent HIV infection. It is worth viewing the clip, if you can stomach it, to see just how young the boy looks. I shudder to think how much perverse gratification Ireland got from discussing HIV infection with this poor, unsuspecting child, given his disgusting desire described above.
‘Pride’ and ‘trans inclusion’ have proved an absolute boon to men like Ireland. But then, this should have been obvious, because as soon as you make an issue unquestionable, it provides a cover for those with deviant and predatory intentions and provides them free reign. In pre-trans-inclusive times, otherwise known as times of sanity, whether you knew him to be a predator or not, it would have been unthinkable to allow a grown man such autonomous access to children, let alone to allow him to openly discuss with them such adult matters as sex. In fact, it would have been rightly called out as abuse, and Ireland would have been carted off to jail. And yet, instead, he was enabled to carry out his abuse in plain sight, and was only stopped when the most extreme and debased of his activities could no longer be ignored or brushed under the carpet.
Ireland’s case should come as no surprise. When you promote an ideology that so openly blurs the boundaries between what is acceptable and appropriate between adults and children, this is bound to happen. Like many so-called ‘social justice’ movements, LGBTQ+ one has been phenomenally successful in brainwashing huge swathes of people, exploiting the need many feel to #bekind. But those falling prey and finding themselves in support of this madness, because, you know, “experts”, must think again. For so flimsy is the veil of reality in this insidious movement, that simply being a gay or trans person, or the parent of one, instantly promotes one to “expert”. Who can forget Susie Green, alleged “expert” on “trans youth”, so much so that she was consulted by governments and healthcare bodies, and was responsible for informing policy around “trans” issues. What were her qualifications for being allowed such enormous input? None. Zero. Nada. She is responsible, however, for illegally taking her son, who unfortunately for him, showed early signs of effeminateness, to Thailand to have his penis and testicles removed, as a special gift for his 16th birthday. A sadistic gift is a memorable one, I suppose.
The entire movement appears to have an open-door policy for grifters who see opportunity knocking. Men like Jeffrey Marsh, a man in his early forties, who insists he is “non-binary”, and who encourages children to explore their gender, and to talk privately with him on his social media accounts. Big Jeff has also written a couple of self-help books, with the vomitus titles of “How To Be You”, and “Take Your Own Advice”. The tall, hairy man is a peculiar contradiction of both self-pitying, and self-congratulating, and exudes a confidence that is baffling. He has no qualifications as a therapist or psychologist, but like Susie ‘I-castrated-my-son’ Green, he appears to have appointed himself to the position of “expert”, and others have refused to question his authority.
Speaking of self-appointed experts, like Big Jeff, Stephen Ireland has also published a book, which alarmingly, despite his conviction, is still available on Amazon. In the “About the author” section, Stephen A. Ireland (He/Him) – eyeroll – asserts that “Growing up in the UK under the shadows of section 28 being a Gay man wasn't all glitter and the Spice Girls”, and further, he insists, “there were no real LGBTQ+ role models that I could relate to”. Well quite, Stephen, I don’t suppose there were. I don’t remember Jimmy Savile being one of the LGBTQ+ brigade. Although I wouldn’t doubt that he’d be welcomed into the movement with open arms these days, with perverts like you at the helm. The “Author Bio” continues on with more drivel, full of buzz words like “positive change” and “equality and inclusion”, before the vile pervert signs off with “Remember, Pride is a protest and whoever you are, however you define; YOU ARE VALID and you are never alone. Stay beautiful, be-you-tiful”. I’ll pause for you to grab your sick bag. The £6.99 paperback will surely be sent for pulping now that his crimes have been revealed. Let’s hope so.
The victims deserve so much better than adults who would rather signal their virtue than exercise healthy scepticism of grown men who want to talk to children about sex. I have written many times of my hopes that this movement is in its death throes. Please, God, let that be so. And for those who have supported this shit show of child mutilation and abuse, some inspirational words for you from Stephen A. Ireland, a quote of his own that is emblazoned across the cover of his book: “What we do today, is tomorrow’s history”. Well, ain’t that the truth.
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