Written October 2024
Convincing people that the government cares for their health, wealth, and wellbeing, has been and continues to be the cornerstone of the giant con that is modern life. To propagate the lie, we are presented with the illusion of freedom of choice. You may vote for the party of your choice, but the result will always be a government who will make the average person poorer, and the rich richer. The powers that be have successfully convinced the majority of the populace that they are living under a democratic regime, and that they are not controlled or managed by a sinister system, which is bigger than they could ever imagine. The sad truth, however, is that most, even if presented with irrefutable proof of the sinister matrix they are locked into, would opt to stay in, rather than take on the ugly, frightening burden of awareness and understanding. Hence the enthusiasm with which they point fingers at those who call out the sinister truth, and label them ‘conspiracy theorists’. It is easier to be the person who hands over the responsibility of life to governments and their agents, who reward the obedient with a ‘safe’ and cosy pretence of the good life. It takes courage to swim against this tide.
When Covid, the great scam, infected our world, under the direction of the overlords in the WEF, WHO and other, even more shadowy organisations that most do not even know exist, many were cowed by fear. This was, of course, the exact reaction that was desired by said shadowy organisations, and those charged with implementing the scam in their name had endless resources to teach them exactly how to elicit that coveted fear response. Then, driven by that fear, many were open to following the most ludicrous of rules, simply because they were told to. People walked one way round supermarkets, kept an arbitrary two metres apart from other people, put masks on when standing up in a pub but not sitting down, and, perhaps most shockingly of all, even stayed away from their own families for months on end. Because they were told this was following ‘the science’. The reality was, of course, that it was anything but ‘science’. It was a set of rules designed to promote blind obedience, and to cut off critical thought. The end goal was to create a new and unbelievably lucrative market for vaccines. And, like the participants in Milgram’s experiment, the majority complied. They shut down their independent thought processes, and set about allowing themselves to be manipulated, used, and jabbed, while the designers of the madness undoubtably laughed and laughed, all the way to the bank.
Of course, independent thought is thin on the ground anyway these days. It has been numbed by the bread and circuses we have been distracted with for years. We argue about football, discuss soap operas as if they were real life, and waste hours scrolling TikTok watching people doing dumb things. There is poison in our food, poison in the vaccines we are enthusiastically encouraged to take, poisonous medicines are dished out by doctors with impunity, our skies are sprayed with poison, and there is poisonous fluoride in the water. Our kids are taught poisonous messages about gender and sex through the school curriculums, and poisonous celebrities drip poison into our psyches at every turn. The pineal gland of the average person must be so calcified that perhaps it is no wonder they are not capable of thinking with clarity.
And while many are preoccupied with mindless pursuits, and are destroyed by the toxins it is impossible to avoid, the tentacles of totalitarianism spread wider and pull tighter, unnoticed by the distracted and numbed masses. The masses who have been fooled into believing that their government, whatever flavour it happens to be at any given time, genuinely cares about them and their kin.
There is, it must be said, a huge amount of laziness inherent in the blind trust that many put in their governments. The “they wouldn’t do that to us” attitude is rife amongst the populace. Even when informed that vaccines have demonstrably killed thousands of people, and injured even more, and that the government is well aware of this, denial is the defence of the perpetually obedient. “No”, they say, “they wouldn’t do that to us”. But yes. Yes, they would. And do, at every opportunity.
The thing with laziness is that it can be easily exploited, too. The latest version comes in the form of the promise of state-funded weight-loss jabs for fat people. “Brilliant”, comes the chorus from the fattest in our land. Now they need not be troubled with questions on why they cannot eat a little less, and move a little more. Just roll up your sleeve. So simple. Healthy scepticism about what might be in the syringe, or what the side effects might be, is bypassed with the promise of zero effort slimming.
It is tiresome to see the compliance of so many. Despite the brouhaha that erupts each time a government corruption scandal breaks, the anger dissipates all too quickly, as people become distracted by the latest story about Will and Kate, or a controversial elimination decision on Strictly. Thalidomide. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Infected Blood. Post Office. Just a few of the many examples of scandals that have made their way to the surface, and where government complicity is in no doubt. Imagine how many there are still in the shadows. Time and again, the regimes we are forced to live under have proved to be self-serving, corrupt, and evil.
Just wait and see what horrors “assisted dying” will bring. Before we know it, a policy that purports to be about dignity in dying will have morphed into an atmosphere where those who have been told they are terminally ill (and I have issues about how medical personnel can possibly be so sure about such matters, to be addressed in another piece), will feel obliged to take the offer of “assistance”, for fear of burdening their loved ones. Those struggling with mental health issues will be ending their lives, with the “assistance” of the health service. This is a ghoulish, nightmarish proposal which should be opposed with every fibre of our human souls.
But go ahead. Keep queuing for those covid and flu jabs. Go to the GP and let him jab you with a slimming one. And then keep wondering at the ailments that afflict you. Apparently, there’s still no jab for stupid.
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