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Butchers Disguised as Surgeons


Written April 2023

When considering all the professions that exist in the world, performing surgery is, understandably, deemed one of the most skilled occupations of all. Indeed, even the most secular of patients, when about to go under the knife for major surgery surely hedges his bets, and utters a quick prayer that the surgeon is one of the best in the business. In addition to a steady hand, there are, psychologically speaking, certain requirements to make a suitable candidate for surgeon: a cool head, a calm demeanour, and confidence to make split second, life-saving decisions. They must, by necessity, be in absolute control in the operating theatre, and be confident in directing the team around them. The job suits a relatively small and select group of people, given that the personality type to match these requirements is quite specific. In fact, there have been studies that show levels of psychopathy amongst surgeons higher than in the rest of the population, and they are often marked out for their aloofness with patients and other medical staff. And I have been wondering. Could it be that it is those surgeons who exhibit the highest levels of psychopathic traits who have chosen the lucrative specialism of ‘gender-affirming’ surgery for children?

When life is at stake, the surgeon, with his scalpel, is a hero, a soldier and his sword, going into battle to defend the people. A burst appendix or a bleed on the brain, the surgeon to the rescue. Us mere mortals can only imagine the immense sense of pride, satisfaction, even elation a surgeon must feel on getting a patient through a complex surgical procedure, having possibly saved a life. What is harder to fathom, however, is exactly what range of emotions a surgeon would feel from performing ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries on children, procedures so barbaric it is difficult to describe. Double mastectomies on girls as young as twelve, whose breasts have not even finished growing. Phalloplasty, to ‘create’ a non-functioning ‘penis’. Castration on young boys, and procedures to invert their penises to create a ‘vagina’. More on these horrific operations follows later – you may want to pour a stiff drink. Despite the contention of the militant trans activists, who insist that there are huge rates of suicidal ideation amongst trans-identifying children, there is zero evidence to support this assertion. These surgeries, therefore, are not lifesaving - life changing, however, they most certainly are, and the stuff of nightmares.

I wonder what the motivations could be for surgeons and pharmaceutical companies who facilitate these transitions. Well, they are all professional people, right? So, surely the fact that transgender ‘care’ is a $2 billion industry could not possibly be informing their recommendations. That would be ludicrous. I mean, encouraging vulnerable people onto a path that transforms them into customers of your industry for the entirety of their lives could have no impact on these decisions, of course. So, how have we arrived here, to a place where healthy children are willingly submitting themselves to having healthy body parts removed, maimed, and mutilated? Cleverly disguised lies are the cornerstone of all successful marketing campaigns, and psychology plays a huge part. A great example of this are the marketing geniuses at Gillette, the safety razor manufacturers, in the early twentieth century, who were able to literally double the company’s market by convincing the world, through advertising, that body hair on women was unsightly and unhygienic. They introduced a razor with a pretty, feminine name, and boom, the other half of the population suddenly became potential customers.

Pharmaceutical companies are no strangers to utilising the power of marketing campaigns to boost their enormous, fraud-enhanced profits even further. Take the example of one of the most profitable drugs for many pharma companies: SSRI antidepressants. All the big swinging dicks in the industry are involved in this $16 billion per annum SSRI market (many of the names I’m sure you will recognise as having their hand in the Covid ‘pandemic’ in one way or another too); AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline PLC., H. Lundbeck AS, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Inc., Merck & Co. SSRI drugs are aimed at a portion of the populace who have been termed the ‘worried well’, in other words, there is nothing really wrong with them other than a general sense of unease, undoubtably with varying factors relating to everyday life: money worries, grief, worry about children or elderly parents, work stress. Pharma companies had, by the 1990s, made huge inroads in the West in rebadging these normal life ups and downs as ‘depression’, and via a huge marketing push, had persuaded healthcare systems to prescribe their products for the relief of this non-illness, resulting in enormous profit. Until the 1990s, the consumer base for these lucrative products remained almost exclusively the West, the US, Canada, UK & Europe. However, recognising that there were huge parts of the world’s population who were yet to be SSRI consumers, GlaxoSmithKline set out to remedy this, using Japan as their test ground. After hosting a hugely expensive ‘conference’ in Kyoto, to which cross-cultural psychology experts from the US, UK, France and Japan were flown first class and lavished with luxury, GSK were armed with the knowledge to launch a huge marketing campaign across Japan. Within months GSK’s SSRIs were being marketed via direct consumer advertising, to young Japanese professionals, as a ‘cure’ for ‘mild depression’, a condition hitherto unknown in Japan. Suddenly, swathes of previously relatively content individuals were being prescribed the magic pills by their doctors, for a ‘condition’ that was entirely fabricated by the very pharma company who was profiting from them. They had become lucrative customers, and profits for the pharma company sored. It wasn’t long before the other big pharma giants got in on the game. (For further reading, I thoroughly recommend ‘Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good’ by James Davies.)

It’s a simple, age-old strategy. Convince people they are experiencing a problem, and you have the solution. It is astonishing how quickly the purses are opened. Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General himself, back in those heady, seventeenth century days of witch hunting, was an expert at selling his services for a ‘problem’ of his own concoction. Every failed harvest, or death of livestock, led to a charge of supposed curses, entirely the figment of the wild imaginings of bored children, disgruntled neighbours, or jealous women. Hopkins, seeing profit to be made, declared the incidents witchcraft, after his careful examination, of course, and he was rewarded handsomely for hunting down this alleged evil, and leading poor innocent women to their deaths.

So sophisticated these campaigns have become in the twenty-first century, that something which would have seemed inconceivable a few decades ago has taken a stranglehold on the world. The trans ideology and its resultant social contagion were not born from a brave community of people, who wished for equality. It is a far darker, and more dangerous story than that. In a previous article (here) I described the lengths that certain powers-that-be have gone to in order to entrench these ideas from the very earliest age of the upcoming generations, including through educational establishments and materials, and the music and film industries. When you look at this, coupled with the eye-watering amounts of money that the pharmaceutical companies are making on the medicalisation of our children’s gender confusion and ‘treatment’, it is not a hard connection to make. It is all about profit, it is as simple as that. Follow the money, and you will find the answers. The industry is soaring, and is only looking to increase in the next few years. The scandal is that children are suffering life-long consequences for this disgusting greed.

Delving into the growing number of detransitioners’ stories that are now being shared, it is surely becoming impossible for the surgeons performing these operations to justify their actions as ethical. In my own opinion, what is happening to these confused children is nothing short of criminal. Imagine such affirmation was applied to other teenage social contagions, such as Anorexia Nervosa. If we affirmed children experiencing this potentially fatal mental illness, we would be at once agreeing that their bodies were hideously fat, while they presented in front of us as nothing but skin and bone. We would have to agree to allow them surgery for the fitting of gastric bands, to curb their appetite further, in accordance with the fat person they identify as. As their hair fell out, their teeth began to rot, and their menstruation ceased, we would have to tell them that yes indeed, they were still far too fat, and should continue along their horrendously destructive path, until eventually, they would inevitably die.

Anorexia is a type of body dysmorphia, in the very same way as most cases of trans identity, and it is common to find several cases of both conditions in clusters amongst teenagers in social contact with each other - in other words, both conditions can be part of a social contagion. And yet, society has been hoodwinked, brainwashed into believing that affirming the children identifying as trans is a kindness, a show of respect and acceptance, as opposed to the confirmation of a delusion that will lead to life-changing actions which they very likely will live to regret. In fact, almost 90% of trans-identifying children in a study of the use of a watchful waiting process, consisting of nothing but talking therapy, resumed life happily after a few years as the sex of their birth. But there is little money to be made in a watchful waiting approach.

When I watch footage of, for example, students on university campuses, militantly ‘standing with’ their trans fellow students as allies, or teenagers themselves who genuinely believe themselves to be trans, I am struck by the childlike quality with which they present. Any probing, tough questions that are thrown at them are batted of with flippancy, and the person making the enquiry labelled a transphobe. I would love to ask these people if they have any in-depth understanding of the process involved for a transitioner. I suspect the answer would be a no, and if they were honest, they would prefer to refrain from hearing the gory details. Standing on campus, with a pretty flag, and a placard, shouting alongside some pink-and-blue-haired compatriots is fun, and probably feels edgy to a sheltered, middle-class teen, who has grown up in the suburbs. Perhaps it would be instructive for them to sit down with a detransitioner, and hear the cold, hard facts. A warning: those cold, hard facts are about to follow.

So, the first step in a transitioners journey, depending on the age at which they first seek treatment, is likely to be puberty blockers. According to trans affirming medical doctors, these are harmless, time-buying pharmaceuticals, that will give the child a chance to work out if they really do want to make the full medical transition. The process, they say, merely halts natural puberty, and, should the child change their mind and decide to remain their birth sex, the drugs are simply withdrawn and puberty resumes. Or, should the child decide to continue on the transition path, puberty blockers will be switched to cross-sex hormones, to begin the process of ‘changing sex’. The reality, however, is very, very different. The drug most commonly used as a puberty blocker is Lupron, a drug whose intended purposes before the trans explosion included treating precocious puberty, as well as certain cancers, and, perhaps more alarmingly, as a chemical castration treatment for violent sex offenders. Even relatively short-term use of this drug can cause some severe and troubling side effects, such as osteoporosis and other bone-density issues, cracking teeth, severe depression, and muscle weakness. All this, just for starters.

Next up on the menu of misery, cross-sex hormones. The first thing that should be noted here is that, a child moving straight to cross-sex hormones from puberty blocking drugs, is guaranteed to be infertile. The question of becoming a parent in the future is being put in the hands of a child not old enough to vote, smoke, drink alcohol, even watch some movies. The second point to make is that, having never experienced it due to puberty being blocked so early, there is a good chance that these children will grow up unable to ever achieve orgasm. So a fulfilling relationship is in jeopardy, before they even understand what one is. Natal females will receive testosterone, natal males oestrogen, in this next stepping stone, causing a myriad of effects to take place. Testosterone deepens the voice, increases hair growth including facial hair, and increases muscle, making the figure more angular. Oestrogen will make the body softer, induce weight gain, and hot flushes. Both drugs cause severe mood swings, too. Many of these effects, by the way, are permanent.

And then, we come to surgery. For girls who wish to become boys, the first step on the surgical path is usually ‘top surgery’, which is a colloquial term for a double mastectomy. Before the breasts have finished their development, a surgeon will remove them from the child’s body, sometimes setting aside the nipples, and surgically replacing them onto the newly sculpted chest, to create a semblance of a male torso. Complications from this surgery are common, and sensation to the now disconnected nipples is non-existent. Should the child go on to become pregnant as an adult (assuming they have not embarked on ‘bottom surgery’) they will not be able to breast feed their child. Often, the scarring is horrific, and, rather than acknowledge this as a traumatising outcome, the trans ideologues have mounted shiny, happy social media campaigns ‘celebrating’ all chests, scarred and mutilated ones included, in a series of photographs of varying post-surgery bodies.

Digging further into Dante’s Inferno, we must now look at ‘bottom surgery’. For natal females, this can mean either the growth of the clitoris, through enhanced programmes of testosterone ingestion, to resemble something like a very tiny penis. The clitoris becomes elongated and hardened, and is for aesthetic purposes, to become a ‘bulge’ in underwear. The other choice is to opt for phalloplasty, a brutal procedure where a surgeon harvests flesh, muscle and tissue, usually from the patient’s forearm, and fashions it into a ‘penis’ and urethra. The ‘penis’ cannot become erect for intercourse, but fear not, the surgical geniuses will provide you with a pump to artificially inflate the organ – if you have any sex drive at all. The so-called ‘donor’ site, the forearm, is hugely disfigured by the procedure, and is also prone to infection in the months and months that it takes to begin to heal. All of this, by the way, after a full hysterectomy – the removal of womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

In the case of a natal male, wishing to become female, surgeons have developed a procedure whereby they will initially castrate the male, before performing a vaginoplasty, inverting the penis on itself, and pushing it up into the cavity to create a ‘vagina’. If there is insufficient penile skin to work with, not to worry. They can call on some other parts, such as the bladder or bowel, to lend a hand. Oh yes, and for a lifetime, the patient will need to dilate the newly created orifice, every day, with a dildo-type instrument, in order that what is essentially a wound, does not heal over.

There is a long list, as one would expect with such complex surgery, of things that can go wrong. For example, if a phalloplasty patient is lucky and it works, they may be able to pee through the fabricated organ. If unlucky, as many are, they may end up with a permanent catheter for urination, or a colostomy bag for bowel movements. When surgery is performed to save or prolong life, such dangers and side effects can reasonably be expected, and the cost / benefit analysis is obvious. When performed on a perfectly healthy body, the argument falls apart. At least to any rational human being. When we think of the operating theatre, the realm of the surgeon, we think of sterile instruments and surfaces, germ-free gowns, and hands scrubbed until shiny. A far cry from the barber-surgeons of history, who used their skills with a razor blade. But I for one am arguing that the those in the profession willing to perform such butchery on confused, vulnerable children, are nothing but cold, cynical hacks, willing to sacrifice their principals for the wealth they can achieve on the back of this horrifying social contagion.

Fortunately, here in the UK, there has been a foot on the brake, and, with the closure of the Tavistock clinic, and some lawsuits pending, a small amount of rationality seems to be prevailing. No solace to those poor souls who have already been ‘treated’. That is not to say that the ideologues are not still out in their numbers, trying desperately to suppress the burgeoning numbers of brave young people speaking out about the horrors they experienced when they fell prey to this madness, and their finding their way back. But the US is still in dire straits. California, in particular, is leading the charge for the movement, and encouraging ever-younger patients to seek these treatments, without parental consent, and against all evidence that is coming to light of the damage they are causing. An alarmingly high number of children who present as trans identifying have already been diagnosed with other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and most often, autism. And yet, there is a rush to get them on the transition pathway, and onto the surgeons table, often with little to no mental health assessment. The ‘affirmation’ model lives by the mantra ‘the child is what they say they are’. My hope is that the ‘affirmation’ model will soon instead die by that mantra.

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