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Use the menu below to view articles in each category. Please note, some articles appear in more than one category.
A Gathering Storm
Written June 2023 The trans mania seems to get crazier by the day. While the rest of the world are waking up to the immense harm that is...
'Target'ing the Children
Written May 2023 The old adage ‘give an inch, and they’ll take a mile’ has never been truer than in the case of trans ideology. In the...
Butchers Disguised as Surgeons
Written April 2023 When considering all the professions that exist in the world, performing surgery is, understandably, deemed one of the...
Fear Misplaced
Written April 2023 Several things have happened these past couple of weeks that have cemented my long-held certainty that our world is...
Women's Sport - A Bastion of Hope
In a week when Nike have decided to pay a biological man to promote their women’s wear, specifically leggings and sports bras (how am I...
Children - Lambs to the Pharmaceutical Slaughter
Written March 2023 In the 1950s and early 60s, it is estimated that around 100,000 babies worldwide were affected after their mothers...
No Thinking Allowed
Written March 2023 In last week’s budget, the Government announced with great fanfare that they would be extending the provision of free...
Taking the 'Trend' out of 'Trans'
Written February 2023 A brilliant scene in the first episode of the hilarious ‘Derry Girls’, sees the show’s lead character, a teenager...
The Silliness of the Ultra-Sensitive Brigade
Written February 2023 It is distressing to note that the modern age has ushered in a crisis of mental health in the western world, and...
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